Twenty~one Days ….

Twenty one days to create a new habit? Better nutrition? More positive mindset? I’m heading to our Home AWAVE from Home for 21 (plus) days! I’m wishing I were already there!! The truth is I can’t just blink and be there, I have to pack, make the necessary preparations on the home front, AND spendContinue reading “Twenty~one Days ….”

I ‘did a thing’ ….

When I tell you what the ‘thing’ is you might think it’s ‘no big deal’, but for me it is noteworthy! I closed our family grocery store in 2013. (No news there!) Since that time, I had not walked through the doors of the dollar store that now leases the building I used to own!Continue reading “I ‘did a thing’ ….”

A State of Gratitude!

I was driving to a dental appointment this morning, exciting I know! The sun was shining and it was a beautiful drive to Gallipolis, Ohio! As I drove, I made a conscious decision to spend that hour in a state of gratitude! I mean gratitude for EVERYTHING big and small in my life, for HaPpYContinue reading “A State of Gratitude!”

Some Days are Diamonds…

I was listening to this John Denver song yesterday (Some Days are Diamonds), as we were traveling to Columbus to celebrate another trip around the sun with family! My mind drifted as my birthdays have always brought mixed emotions, beginning with the loss of my dad just before my 16th birthday! What was supposed toContinue reading “Some Days are Diamonds…”


Even with all the craziness this country is facing, I believe I am blessed to be living in the USA! I thank all those that have served in our military! Those who paid the ultimate price for freedom and all those currently serving! I honor the memory of my dad-Harry Franklin Harrel- who was aContinue reading “Remembering!”

Five years and I’m taking a break!

Steve and I are celebrating our five-year wedding anniversary this week! We are headed off to Vegas! Woohoo!! This is a picture we snapped on the first trip we took to Vegas together! Today …I’m enjoying some self care with a ‘mini spa’ day! Toes and fingers are looking good…the hair is getting curled upContinue reading “Five years and I’m taking a break!”

Take my Hand!

Steve and I will be celebrating our Five~year wedding anniversary next week! It has gone by so quickly! Rest assured that those years have not all been a bed of roses…but they’ve still been WonDerFUL! Sometimes we are both stubborn and communication is a struggle. One recent Saturday morning, we were having such a struggle.Continue reading “Take my Hand!”

A Time to Remember…

May 9, 2007. 5:30 p.m. Fourteen years ago today I lost my husband. I still can’t believe that time has passed so quickly and slowly all at once. I think of Tom often and feel his presence all around, I see him in the faces of each of his children and in the smile ofContinue reading “A Time to Remember…”

The Circle Never Ends…!

This post is about friendship! I have a small circle of close friends…gal pals! Several of us travel together a few times a year. We call ourselves the Cheery Os, because we are always HaPpy to be together…and we all hail from Ohio! Although, the original group of Cheery Os has gone in many directions,Continue reading “The Circle Never Ends…!”

May…It’s a lot!

The month of May is an emotional one for me! It is filled with celebration and grief! I celebrate my youngest daughter’s birthday on May 6th! This year she will turn the age I was when I gave birth to her! Time has flown by! She’s a beautiful woman now with an amazing family ofContinue reading “May…It’s a lot!”